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Print Puzzle - "Wrong Time of the Year (1207)" by Gareth Bain on 3/21/2013
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1- Hoffman who was radical in the 60's; 6- Suspect, slangily; 10- Mini successor; 14- Grows boring; 15- Columbus' home; 16- "East of ___"; 17- Square one; 18- Party potable place; 20- Hawaiian party prop; 21- Cornerstone abbr.; 23- "The Simpsons" clown; 24- Drink served in a martini glass; 26- React to a blow; 27- Lamb Chop, for one; 30- "Get ___" (The Silhouettes hit); 34- Genesis Mount; 35- Division in a church; 37- Pop producer Brian; 38- Prevent entry; 39- PFC's punishments; 40- 2004 Candidate; 42- Response to a funny Facebook status; 43- Hawaiian coffee region; 45- Rocky love interest; 46- River through Flanders; 48- Key part of some middle management?; 50- Palindromic magazine; 52- Great Blue ___ (marsh bird); 53- And others, in full; 56- Dracula actor Lugosi; 57- Critical area of a hosp.; 60- British celebration, and a hint to the beginnings of 18-, 27- and 48A; 62- M. ___ Shyamalan; 64- Big name in elevators; 65- Common still life subject; 66- "Hallelujah" singer Leonard; 67- Have a snack; 68- It's said to matter; 69- ___ nous;
1- Missing from boot camp; 2- Nota ___; 3- Package taken by many television viewers; 4- Fury; 5- Town abutting the Rocky Mountain National Park; 6- Beer can convenience; 7- PM Barak or Olmert; 8- ___ Tin Tin; 9- Snooker table feature; 10- Horsehead or Crab; 11- Fusses; 12- 2012 Rival of Mitt; 13- "___ the Lonely" (Roy Orbison tune); 19- Charlemagne's domain (abbr.); 22- Crop blight; 25- Southern staple; 26- Workout make-up; 27- "Alas..."; 28- Deep-fried cookies; 29- ____ bull; 31- Yoda or Obi-Wan Kenobi; 32- Either of two "Paper Moon" actors; 33- Carried (by); 36- Legs; 39- Leg midpoint; 41- ___ Arena; 44- Does a good turn; 45- ___ Magwitch (Great Expectations benefactor); 47- Dog dressing; 49- "___ Coming to Take Me Away Ha-haaa!" (novelty hit for Napoleon IV); 51- Rockets NBA-er Jeremy; 53- Black, poetically; 54- Non-speaking role in the Wizard of Oz; 55- X, Y or Z; 56- Joan at Woodstock; 58- Duetist with Meatloaf on "Dead Ringer"; 59- ___ Reader; 61- Breathalyzer diagnosis (abbr.); 63- Na+ or Cl-;