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Print Puzzle - "Saint Got Money" by Tony Chesterley on 4/9/2012
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1- Downsize by trimming flight engineers (7); 5- Affair mostly involves extremely hot lust (6); 9- Is monk unwelcome in Asian capital? (9); 10- Instrument used by suburban journalist (5); 11- Once resistance is pushed aside, let playhouse entertain (8); 12- Swoon over deposits with gold (6); 14- Tutor makes a bit of extra income (5); 15- $1,000 dropped to silkscreen knit mufflers (9); 17- It begins again with subject that’s more satirical (9); 19- Something to remember in the style of felon’s behavior (5); 20- Finally unearth more ancient vessel (6); 22- One sharp, shy pitcher is dedicated (8); 24- Arab biographer profiles Jewish leader (5); 25- Be smart in checking out clan member (9); 26- Pass cooler over there (6); 27- Sellers save the original electronic sign (7);
1- The Parisian secures short, brief employment in part of central England (14); 2- Saint dozed after festival in Bible manuscript (9); 3- Monkey around at sea in Mexico? Cool (7); 4- Tiny cracks trapping much grease that goes up in smoke (10); 5- Loud commercials for hot items (4); 6- Highlander prototype cast in metal (7); 7- Margaux’s one sports drink for start of day (5); 8- Letter revisited deep concerns about surgery (14); 13- Dante for one could have let ‘Inferno’ be reprinted (10); 16- Steal more pliable rubbery stuff (9); 18- We agree to buy, ultimately without that one luxury (7); 19- Herb is filling a demand (7); 21- Calibrate some scales (5); 23- Return cracked floor (4);