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Print Puzzle - "Four Feathers" by Gene Antonio on 9/25/2023
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1- South American tuber; 4- Pulley wheel; 10- Nabokov novel; 14- Crop; 15- Of the body's largest artery; 16- River flowing through Bern; 17- Isle in France; 18- Eagle; 20- Main man?; 21- Rick's "Casablanca" love, and namesakes; 22- Make better; 23- Teaspoon, at times; 25- Olympics cheer; 26- Albatross; 30- American record label founded in 2019; 33- Like Nash's candy; 34- 1947 literature Nobelist; 35- Slave; 36- Presque Isle's location; 37- They aren't poor; 38- A crown tops its insignia; 39- Jewish month; 40- NASA Research Center in Silicon Valley; 41- Takes the bait; 42- Bled; 43- Magpie; 45- Chignon; 46- 1930's world heavyweight boxing champion; 47- Edwin or John Wilkes Booth; 50- Small haddock; 53- Copper mug?; 56- Dove; 58- Available (with "on"); 59- Emmy-winning journalist Sevareid; 60- Different from; 61- QB Manning; 62- Blue-pencil; 63- The bully called the poetry lover ___; 64- Latin adverb in brackets;
1- Short bio; 2- Soft drink; 3- Certain Scot; 4- Slake; 5- Ridiculous blunder; 6- Bow-armed boy of myth; 7- Gods of Polynesian peoples; 8- Big movers; 9- If added to W, it's probably Tuesday?; 10- City of nortern Italy; 11- Neck part; 12- "___ All the Way Home" (song by the Impalas); 13- Steven Quincy Urkel is one; 19- Piece of cake; 24- Wiser's partner; 25- A state is named after them; 26- Italian lake of 143 square miles; 27- Small lizard; 28- Metal fastener; 29- That is; 30- Professors hold them; 31- Brand name on a face; 32- They're high; 33- Costly; 35- Kinfolk; 37- Royals pitcher Jesse ___; 41- Basketball star turned U.S. Senator, Bill ___; 43- Make better; 44- Paperless pages; 45- Game played with eight balls; 47- Copied; 48- Part of a bird's beak; 49- Private eyes do this; 50- Some dict. defs.; 51- 951 in old Rome; 52- Diamond stats; 54- Hope/Crosby road picture destination; 55- Extremely large; 57- Her (Latin);